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2021 清明追思及祈福配套 Qing Ming Tribute & Blessing Service


规则与条件 Terms & Conditions
1. 此服务将于2021年4月4日(农历二月二十三日)在汝莱孝恩园进行。孝恩同仁将在三圣殿点燃为期1天的莲花心灯,以贴纸印上亡者姓名做标示,法师也会在同日现场念诵《地藏菩萨本愿经》。
This service will be provided at Xiao En Memorial Park, Nilai on 4 April 2021. Xiao En staff will light up the Lotus Candle marked with ancestor’s name printed on sticker for 1 day at the Temple of Three Sacred Buddha. The chanting ceremony will be held on same day.

2. 祈福卡写上被祝福者姓名,再系于孝恩寺内的《祈愿亭》。
“Blessing Card” with the name of the blessings recipient written will be tied to the “Blessing Pavilion” at Xiao En Temple.

This service is open from now until 5pm on 31 March 2021.

4. 注意/Attention:
a) 请订购者在付款时在“Notes or Instructions (Optional)”写上一位欲悼念的先人中英文名字。
Please leave the ancestor’s full name (Chinese & English) in the "Notes or Instructions (Optional)" column when making payment.

b) 订购者也须在“Notes or Instructions (Optional)”一栏选择1张祈福卡(1至4号)及写上被祝福者的姓名 ,例如:No 1, 陈芳玲阖家。
Please select one (1) blessing card (from No. 1 to 4) and write down the name of the blessings recipient in "Notes or Instructions (Optional)" column, example: No 1, Chen Fang Ling & Family.

c) 订购者也需提供姓名、手提电话号码与电邮地址,以便孝恩集团进行资料处理,并于5日内发送照片予订购者。
The purchaser must also provide their name, mobile phone number and e-mail address to assist Xiao En Group in document processing and send the photo to the purchaser within 5 days.

d) 每套服务只限填写一位欲悼念的先人姓名及一个被祝福者(或阖家)姓名。
Only one (1) name is required for each set of services.

e) 孝恩寺在清明期间不对外开放。
Xiao En temple is closed during Qing Ming period.

5. 订购者付费后,任何要求取消服务或退款事宜将不受理。
No cancellation nor refund will be entertained after payment has been made.